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Procedures to Treat Saddlebags

What Are Saddlebags?

Saddlebags is the term used for the accumulations of fat that occur on the outer thighs, below the buttocks. This can give you a pear-shaped body, instead of a more desirable hourglass shape. Saddlebags are more common on women than men.

What Causes Saddlebag Fat?

As with all instances of extra fat, there are a number of factors that can influence whether you will develop saddlebag fat, including genetics, pregnancy, and hormones.


Saddlebag fat is a type of fat that is often hereditary. If other members of your family have or have developed saddlebag fat over time, it is more likely that you will also develop saddlebag fat. Saddlebag fat that is genetic can occur on people regardless of their shape or weight, meaning that you do not have to be overweight or obese to have this type of excess fat on your body.


During puberty, as the body develops, changes, and, in many cases, fat deposits increase, it is common for saddlebags to develop as well. This is more common in women, who develop more fat around the hips, thighs, breasts and buttocks during puberty.


Changes in estrogen levels, largely in women, can lead to an increase in fat around the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and hips, including where saddlebags develop.


During pregnancy, weight gain is common. This weight gain can occur on all areas of the body, including the hips and upper thighs.

Non-Surgical Saddlebag Fat Treatments

While surgical procedures can help reduce or eliminate saddlebags, there are also some effective non-surgical options.


UltraShape is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure that uses ultrasound technology to target and eliminate unwanted fat.


VelaShape is a non-invasive radiofrequency device that tightens skin, eliminates cellulite, and contours the body. During the procedure, the VelaShape 3 applicator is applied to the area of concern and the soft tissue is treated with a high-frequency electrical current combined with suction-coupled infrared heat.

Freeze Radiofrequency Reduction

Venus Freeze is designed to tighten skin, reduce cellulite, shrink fat and improve overall shape and contouring. No topical or local anesthesia is involved in the procedure, which involves an external radiofrequency applicator being applied to the area of concern. An electrical current from the applicator heats up the skin and soft tissue, stimulating collagen and reducing the fat cells in that region.

Losing Saddlebag Fat Through Exercises

Some lifestyle changes can also help you eliminate saddlebag fat. While targeted fat loss is not possible, increasing your cardiovascular exercise can help you lose weight overall, including from your upper thighs. Incorporate at least 30 minutes of cardio into your daily routine, such as running, cycling, brisk walking, or playing a sport. In addition, strength training exercises – specifically those that target the legs and lower body, like lunges and squats – can help you improve your cardio abilities, reduce the risk of injury, and improve muscle tone and overall shape.

Dieting for Losing Saddlebag Fat

Dieting is another way to lose weight overall, including from your upper thighs. Focus on a diet that is high in whole, unprocessed foods, and meals that contain lean proteins, such as chicken and fish. Try to incorporate high-fibre foods, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, and reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates and foods that are high in sugar. You should also pay attention to what you drink: water, coffee and tea are excellent choices, while fruit juices that are high in sugar and alcohol should be avoided.

How to Get Rid of Saddlebags Without Exercise

If you wish to eliminate your saddlebags without exercise, surgical procedures are a highly effective approach. At SpaMedica, liposuction procedures such as SmartLipo can be used to quickly and efficiently eliminate saddlebags, with minimal downtime (recovery time is about one to three days). At SpaMedica, SmartLipo procedures are performed inside of SpaMedica’s surgery suites, under local anesthesia or oral sedation. Your surgeon will insert an energy-assisted device directly into the treatment zone, and the device will heat, melt and congeal the unwanted saddlebag fat. The fat is then removed using a microcannula.

Can Saddlebag Fat Come Back After Treatment?

One of the more popular techniques for Toronto saddlebag patients is Zerona laser slimming. Zerona is a non-invasive, no downtime, no pain, no recovery technology that uses an array of low-level diode laser lights to temporarily create a pore in the fat cell and the fat cell contents are released and safely removed by the body’s lymph and digestive system. Zerona is six treatments over a course of four weeks and is very successful, with SpaMedica guaranteeing that all patients will receive between three and nine-inch reductions. The guarantee if this circumferential reduction is not achieved then a complementary second round of treatments is provided.

Saddlebag Fat Removal Before and After Images

Check out our before and after section here!

How Much Does It Cost to Remove Saddlebag Fat?

The cost of your saddlebag fat removal procedure will depend on whether you choose a surgical or non-surgical solution, as well as the size of the area being treated. Non-invasive treatments, while offering less dramatic results, tend to be less costly: for instance, VelaShape treatments begin at $1,999, while SmartLipo starts at $6,999.


What are saddlebags and what causes them?
Patients with saddlebags suffer from a very common condition, specifically excess fat and subcutaneous tissue of the outer thighs. This extra fat and subcutaneous tissue may or may not be accompanied by overlying cellulite or lumpy, bumpy cottage cheese skin. The causes for extra fat and subcutaneous tissue of the outer thigh, or saddlebags, are usually developmental, that is extra caloric intake with diminished exercise. A vast majority of saddlebag patients also have a preponderance or hereditary predisposition to gaining extra fat and subcutaneous tissue in this localized area.

Can I treat my saddlebags? And if so, how can I treat them?
Patients suffering from saddlebags can be treated at SpaMedica Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Centre with a variety of techniques. Non-invasive treatments that have been proven successful and can achieve a modest 2cm or more circumference reduction of the saddlebags include: UltraShape, VelaShape, Triactive, Thermage Body, Freeze radiofrequency reduction, and TiteFx. Patients may also be very successfully treated, with complete correction of contours in the majority of cases, using minimally invasive liposuction technologies that are newer that traditional liposuction, and often have been developed and pioneered and taught to other doctors by Dr. Stephen Mulholland, one of Canada’s premier cosmetic plastic surgeons. These minimally invasive liposuction techniques include: Smart Lipo or laser lipolysis. Tightening of any lax skin, as well as improvement in the appearance of cellulite, can also occur with Smart Lipo. BodyTite is radiofrequency-assisted liposuction where electricity is used to liquefy the fat prior to its removal and the electrical current and heat will also result in tightening of the skin and improvement in the appearance of cellulite.

If I have my saddlebags treated, will they come back? How can I prevent this?
One of the more popular techniques for Toronto saddlebag patients is Zerona laser slimming. Zerona is a non-invasive, no downtime, no pain, no recovery technology that uses an array of low-level diode laser lights to temporarily create a pore in the fat cell and the fat cell contents are released and safely removed by the body’s lymph and digestive system. Zerona is six treatments over a course of four weeks and is very successful, with SpaMedica guaranteeing that all patients will receive between three and nine-inch reductions. The guarantee if this circumferential reduction is not achieved then a complementary second round of treatments is provided.

Saddlebags Solutions at SpaMedica

Whether you choose a non-surgical or surgical solution, our professional surgeons and clinical technicians at SpaMedica will work with you to ensure your procedure achieves your desired results. Contact the clinic to book a consultation today. 


A nonsurgical fat reduction device that uses ultrasound waves to target and remove areas of excess fat and tighten the skin.


A non-invasive, suction-coupled infrared and radiofrequency heating device that reduces fat, tightens the skin and contours the body.


A revolutionary technology that is designed to provide fat-dissolving results through a minimally invasive procedure.


Utilizing a probe that is designed to deliver energy or heat to the underlying fat layer while performing a liposuction procedure.

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